Opening of the “Black Sea Training Center for the Liquidation of Oil Spills”

- 03.08.2016
- 8 hours
- Ugnii, Ukraine
- +38(048)722-16-58
On August 4, 2016, the official opening of the training, educational, consulting and methodical center on the problem of liquidation of emergency oil spills, created at the Institute of Maritime Management and Entrepreneurship on the basis of the Scientific and Production Enterprise “EKONAD”, took place at the base of the “Pivdenny” seaport administration.
A theoretical seminar was held during the event. The topic of the seminar is “Technology of elimination of spills of oil, oil products and organic pollutants within the water areas of ports.”
Practical training will be held on August 5, 2016.

Opening of the “Black Sea Training Center for the Liquidation of Oil Spills”
Ugnii, Ukraine
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