Elimination of emergency oil spills

  • 11.07.2016
  • 13:00 to 15:00
  • Ukraine, Odesa
  • +38(048)722-16-58

Liquidation of emergency spills of oil, oil products and organic pollutants (sunflower and palm oils) in the water area of ports and the coastal zone

The training, educational, consulting and methodical center on the problem of liquidation of emergency oil spills, created on the basis of NPP “EKONAD” LLC and with the support of the Institute of Maritime Management and Entrepreneurship, invites your specialists to participate in the conference and undergo a theoretical seminar and practical training:
“Technology of liquidation of spills of oil, oil products and organic pollutants within the designated water areas of ports” August 3-5, 2016.

The internship program includes:
1. Theoretical training
Educational training on the prevention and effective elimination of spills of oil / petroleum products and organic pollutants.
– Organization of management of spill liquidation operations
– Acquaintance and work with means of assessment and monitoring of oil spills and their behavior on water
– Health and safety during spill clean-up operations
– Familiarization with methods of prevention, containment and liquidation of oil spills
– Risk assessment and the possibility of working with spill prevention and elimination equipment
– Assessment of the spill, direction and movement of the oil slick
– Selection of the most optimal and effective means for the collection, containment and liquidation of an oil spill
2. Practical classes
– The technology of installation of boom fences and corresponding stretchers in the closed water area of the port, outside it, in the coastal zone, on the river, etc.
– Technology of localization and elimination of spills of oil / oil products / organic substances
– Implementation and maintenance of boom barriers, skimmers and other means to eliminate spills
– Work with sorbent materials in the process of operational measures
– Detection and monitoring of the movement of the oil field

Attached to this letter
– Presentation of this course,
– Training program
– Overview of theoretical and practical information that will be taught in the above courses

Contact numbers: +38 (0482) 34-96-53, +38 (048) 722-16-58

2016-7-11 13:00 2016-7-11 15:00 Europe/London Elimination of emergency oil spills Ukraine, Odesa
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